
Peach Smoothie

    Peach Smoothie

    At our house, we go through phases where we make smoothies every morning. When bananas start to turn brown, we throw them in the freezer, so we can use them in a smoothie later. We have an entire shelf in the freezer devoted to frozen fruit. There are the bananas we’ve rescued, bags of frozen fruit, and even bags of frozen spinach. There are strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and… peaches.

    Of all of the smoothies we make, this one is my favorite.

    Peach Smoothie
    Serves One


    1/2 banana
    1/2 container peach yogurt
    1/2 10 oz bag of frozen peaches
    1/2 cup orange juice


    Put all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

    Peach Smoothie